Unique and Powerful Development Spaces

Our programs will leave you with a solid understanding of the academic and theoretical foundations that underpin the Leadership Maturity Framework.

More importantly we will bring the theory to life through a series of learning processes where you will connect cognitively, emotionally and energetically with your own and others developmental stage.

You will reflect on your developmental journey to date and take whatever next steps are right for you.

We believe that a magical and transformational space is created when people gather together and are willing to be fully present in body and spirit to themselves and with each other.

We have therefore consciously chosen a learning approach that most fully creates this opportunity and which we believe is most aligned with the spirit of the LMF.

Our faculty are all experienced travellers through the developmental landscape and are skilled at creating holding spaces for individual and collective learning.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

– Carl Jung –

Come to us

We offer a range of programs that support you to bring the richness of the leadership maturity framework to your daily leadership, coaching or consulting practice.  You may do this explicitly by using the Leadership Maturity Profile, or implicitly as you find new ways to connect with your colleague and clients and  offer impactful new insights and approaches to address individual and organisational challenges.

Our flagship five day program is a great place to get started in developing your awareness and appreciation for how the leadership maturity framework might enhance your leadership impact and experience of making a difference.

Invite us in

We specialise in partnering organisations who are engaged in significant organisational transformation and who recognise that growing the capacity of their leadership community to work in more complex, adaptive and collaborative ways will be critical to future success.

Our clients are focussed on shaping the future of their industry and are making bold steps to support the creation of meaningful work that delivers sustainable value and nurtures people and the planet.

We can support you with maturity assessments for better quality leadership hiring, individual and team coaching or building the capability and capacity of your team to work with the leadership maturity framework across the organisation.

Become an Authorised Practitioner

Authorised practitioners are leaders, coaches and consultants who use the Leadership Maturity Framework (LMF) and Leadership Maturity Profile (LMP) in their leadership, coaching and development work.

You become an authorised practitioner on completion of Module 1 and 2 of our core curriculum. This allows you to order Leadership Maturity Profiles for your own clients and access ongoing support from the Institute for Developmental Coaching as you develop your skill as a developmentally informed leader or coach.

Details of our open programs can be found below

The Leadership Maturity Framework
(Module 1)

The Leadership Maturity Framework 3-day program is our core program and offers an intimate and intensive learning experience.

On days 1 and 2 we will engage in a range of learning processes where you will discover what people at different stages are able to pay attention to, and what does not yet appear on their radar; that is, what is objective and thus alterable, and what is still subjective and therefore hidden from awareness.

On day 3, we will turn our attention to how the LMF can be applied to team and organisational transformation. In sharing your own experiences and examining real-life case studies we will discover how the framework may be best used, implicitly and explicitly in a range of contexts.

We will explore the world of polarities and polarity management and its value to organisational transformation and will examine the polarities that can be seen and held at each developmental stage.

Throughout the three days we will invite you to pay particular attention to your own stage of development; deepening your awareness of and sharing with others what you see about your past, present and future developmental journey.

As you engage and share with a rich community of fellow participants you will experience both the challenge and profound privilege of holding space for another’s transformation

Dates currently available: 

  • Sydney: March 13th-15th 2024

Tuition: $2950 plus $420 for your Leadership Maturity Profile.

LMF Developmental Coaching Intensive
(Module 2)

In part 2 of our Core Curriculum, we focus on the Leadership Maturity Profile, diving deeper into exploring aspects of language and its implications for meaning-making and growth. We engage in real-world analysis of text to offer insights into stages of development and subject/object orientation.

We will explore the application of developmental moves, developmental momentum and types of developmental support that may offer the best match for each developmental stage. We will come to understand more clearly the capacities and limitations of your clients’ systems and how you can intervene with the tools, strategies and models most effective for each stage of development.

You will deepen your understanding of the difference between change, translation and transformation and add new tools and approaches to guide yourself and others through a journey of transformational change.

Through experiential practice activities, we will explore how your own developmental stage impacts your coaching style, where you are likely to be at your best and where there may be blind spots or limitations for you to be aware of.

You will have the opportunity to practice coaching from a developmentally informed context and practice peer debriefing and coaching bringing the Leadership Maturity Profile to life.

Dates currently available: 

  • Sydney: March 16th -17th 2024

Tuition:  $1,900 ( Module 1 is a pre-requisite for Module 2 participation) 

LMF Transformational Retreat

The LMF Transformational Retreats are residential retreats, typically hosted in the beautiful natural setting of Kangaroo Valley, 2 hours south of Sydney or at a location selected to support the nourishing intention of the work.

They are restorative and revitalising, offering a space to be known, nourished and to explore more deeply our current stage of development as well as the next steps on our own developmental journey.

You leave Module 1 and 2, with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the ego development stages and vertical development from a 3rd and 2nd person perspective, Module 3 is designed to be primarily focused on the 1st person perspective.

For those of us who support and hold space for development of others, it is important to take time out to be replenished as well as stretched into what may be next for our own development. The LMF Transformational Retreats create bespoke learning and healing experiences that are matched to our current developmental stage and its inherent challenges.

For many of us this means revisiting our earlier developmental stages to connect with, heal and integrate its gifts and to cultivate the courage to expand into the fullest potential of our current and future ‘selves’.

In a small and intimate group, Maja leads us through a series of experiences and processes with love, kindness and vulnerability. She brings her expertise and gifts as a therapist, healer and coach to create a space where we feel safe to move more deeply into ourselves. In this space, we re-discover and reclaim what was forgotten or unseen, we further heal the human traumas inherent in our very early stages of development that often remain with us until we can lovingly and compassionately heal and reintegrate these parts of ourselves.

Please join us for our ‘Healing in a Tribe’ truly transformational experience.

Available dates: 

June 14, 15 & 16:  Kangaroo Valley,  NSW

November 22,23 & 24: Kangaroo Valley, NSW

Tuition: $3800 (inclusive of accomodation and meals)


Click here to register

Train the Trainer

The LMF Train the Trainer program is an advanced skills program for coaches and consultants committed to introducing a vertical development perspective to their own or their clients’ organizations.

In a community of practice with a cohort of colleagues and co-learners we will explore each of the stages of contracting, designing and delivering a developmentally informed leadership development or organization transformation program.

We will explore the tools, process and conversations that are useful in building a case for introducing vertical development to an organisation, which includes assessing the organisational current developmental stage, its current business challenges and readiness to engage and how to recognize and energise champions in the system.

You will deepen your understanding of the overall Leadership Maturity Framework and your skill and experience in sharing the key constructs in a group learning context.

You will develop skill in working with a group of learners at different developmental stages and in facilitating an inclusive learning process where the gifts of each stage are valued and the limitations are appreciated.

Participants who successfully complete the Train the Trainer program will access the IDC learning materials and development support resources.

Other Services

We Offer

Programs to meet your specific needs and situation.

Developmentally informed individual and team coaching.

​Leadership Maturity Profiles as a value-add to your recruitment or talent management process.

Support for your HR/OD team to add a vertical perspective to your leadership development strategy.

Personal Coaching

Contact us if you are interested in exploring your own Leadership maturity stage and would be interested in working with a developmentally informed coach.

Organisational Support

We work with organisations committed to bringing the vertical development perspective to their leadership and talent strategies.

We would love to have an obligation free conversation to explore how we might support you fulfil your leadership development goals.
