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Leadership Maturity and
In our increasingly complex and interdependent world, there is a compelling call for a new kind of leadership – a kind of leadership that is authentic, collaborative, systems-oriented and adaptive. A leadership that can deal with ambiguity and navigate paradox in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world.
Our conventional approach to leadership development has been successful in building leadership capability but in this changing world we need a new approach to leadership development that also includes expanding leadership capacity. Bringing the context of the Leadership Maturity Framework and the practices and distinctions of vertical development to the work leadership development is the most powerful and nurturing approach for growing individual, team and organisational maturity.
The Leadership Maturity Framework offers critical new insights into human behaviour and human development. It describes the unfolding of human potential through nine stages towards deeper understanding, wisdom and effectiveness in the workplace and in the world.
As a leader, coach or consultant, the LMF offers you a powerful new context for your work. This context will help you to see, hear and meet your clients and colleagues at their development edge, and empower you to make the real difference that you want to make.
Horizontal and Vertical Development
Most contemporary organisations recognise that growing capability and capacity is critical to business success and sustainability – yet few organisations have systemically embedded both the “vertical” and “horizontal” perspective to their development strategy.
We all know that when our computer’s internal operating system is full we need to “upgrade” the system. What we don’t often realise is that people also have an internal operating system (our ego) which sometimes needs to be expanded vertically to match the complex demands of leadership.
Horizontal Development
The work of adding new knowledge, skills and competencies. It is about what we know and have the ability to apply.
Horizontal development is critical to support leaders to optimise their performance at each stage of development.

Vertical Development
The work of seeing, thinking and sense-making in more complex, systemic, strategic and interdependent ways.
Vertical development is critical when the leader needs to expand their own complexity to match to match the complexity demanded of their role.